Sunday 19 October 2014

I don't know how a video of yangdong fooling around can give me so much feels but other than finding them super super cute (😭💕) I really once again felt how strong their bond is. they said you've to find a friend whom you can count on during tough times. it's a given for beast given how much they went through together as 1 prior to their debut and even after debut. and I think more than just a friend whom you count on during rough times, it's even more more more precious  to find a friend who will put down everything, throw away every single image of theirs to fool and be dumb with you😭💕😭 I know it's not the first time we've seen BEAST being dorks but seeing yangdong in their after-performance selves, their hair slightly messed up, the fatigue in their eyes, yet the happiness and radiance from their faces is so immense. it's like I finally get what junhyung mean by it's not work when they're together, it's like a group of friends hanging out. they're probably so tired but yangdong. seeing them fooling around together. playing so well. I just😭😭😭😭😭😭 


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