Wednesday 14 January 2015

suddenly all these awards doesn't really matter.. I'm happy. of course I'm happy seeing BEAST getting the recognition they rightfully deserve and their hard work paid off and also B2UTYs who worked so hard to vote for them.. but today's highlight isn't the triple awards we got.. it's really seeing how BEAST took care of B2UTYs even in such an unfortunate situationㅠㅠ💕 they really went ahead and make sure that B2UTYs are alrightㅠㅠ when the award ceremony started I saw the B2UTYs who are at GDA saying they wanna cry because BEAST isn't even on the stage for the opening ceremony.. but as the award proceed, I saw more & more of them talking about how much BEAST is waving to the fans, how much BEAST bowed to the fans, how much BEAST wave & interact with the fans even when they're backstage. even when they're backstage. I keep emphasizing about them being backstage because, it's a long day for them too. they must be tired and shocked to know that they flew all the way to Beijing but are not allowed to perform. but even when that's the case, even when they can just hang out comfortably backstage, they choose to give as much fanservice as they can. they choose to search for as many as B2UTYs as they can despite the fact that they're so many fans there. not just backstage, if you look at the previews of them when they're receiving an award, they're constantly looking, constantly searching for B2UTYs. this award may not be the smoothest-going award ceremony that BEAST attended, but in a way or another, I think BEAST really reached out and comforted many B2UTYs today. thank youㅠㅠㅠ for not forgetting your first hearts, for always placing B2UTYs before yourselves, for being 6 kind angels that I'll never ever regret stanningㅠㅠ


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